University Academic Advising Committee (UAAC)

The University Academic Advising Committee serves as a voice for academic advisors to the university community, including the Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost and relevant university committees and offices, on issues related to the student academic experience and the needs of academic advisors. The committee, comprised of faculty and professional advisors, meets monthly throughout the academic year. Meetings are open to all advisors at Iowa State. 

The committee achieves its mission through the following charge:

  • Promote collaboration, learning, and sharing of advising best practices across campus
  • Provide and promote professional development opportunities for advisors
  • Represent the concerns and issues of academic advising to administration and others as appropriate 
  • Conduct institutional assessments of advising, including both advisor and student input

Chairs are appointed by the Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost. The chair for the 2024-2025 academic year is Rhaechel Ohge Fritz

Committee members (PDF) are appointed by their respective college or academic unit and serve a one-year term, with possible reappointment.

The Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost is committed to supporting the ongoing professional development of the university’s academic advisors by providing support to UAAC’s Professional Development Committee. The committee sponsors these events:  

  • A day-long, on-campus advising summit, held in the fall, features a keynote address, presentations, networking, and discussions on resources, best practices, and trends which affect our students and the advising community.
  • The advising recognition reception, held in the spring, is a celebration of the hard work and dedication of the advising community, including a recognition of those who have received university-wide and college advising awards, P&S Council awards/Cytations, Learning Community awards, and/or honors from professional organizations.
  • On campus viewing/processing sessions are held that build on webinars offered by NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising.
  • Lunch and Learn presentations by advisors and campus partners about resources and best practices are offered throughout the year.

UAAC has created a centralized site for information sharing and updates on the university’s CANVAS platform. The site contains UAAC meeting agendas/minutes, as well as advisor training materials, and recorded training webinars.

Advising Awards

2024 Iowa State University Awards for Advising

ISU Award for Early Achievement in Academic Advising

Grace Wolf, academic advisor, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

ISU Award for Academic Advising Impact

Mindy Cooper, academic advisor, College of Design

College Awards for Advising:

  • Heidi Ackerman, Agronomy, CALS Staff Early Achievement in Advising Award
  • Stephanie Hansen, Animal Science, CALS Faculty Outstanding Achievement in Advising Award
  • Anne Oldham, Food Science and Human Nutrition, CALS Staff Outstanding Achievement in Advising Award

  • Mike Ford, Interior Design

  • Tyler Hoenig, Early Achievement in Academic Advising
  • Seth Loyd, Outstanding Achievement in Academic Advising

  • Jessica DeWall, Kinesiology, Outstanding Advisor

  • Jacque Parker, Early Achievement in Academic Advising, Sociology and Criminal Justice
  • Tyler Schoh, Early Achievement in Academic Advising, Student Academic Services

  • Jessica Ward, Veterinary Clinical Sciences, William O. Reece Award

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