Academic policies and procedures are available from a variety of resources, including the Iowa State University Catalog and the Policy Library.
Policies and Procedures

Links to policies/procedures for students, faculty, staff, departments/schools, and college offices:
Program approval and discontinuation procedures
(Baccalaureate, Masters, Doctoral, or First Professional Degree Program)
The process required to move a curriculum proposal generated by a department or interdepartmental unit through to final approval from the Iowa Board of Regents requires multiple steps. The full process can require 8-12 months depending on the timing of approvals and subsequent meetings, including the Iowa Board of Regents annual meeting schedule. The Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee and the Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost have developed a document, “From Curriculum Proposal to Offering a New Curriculum” (PDF) that outlines the pathway and approval steps for a new major/curriculum/degree program. Faculty/departments that are considering a new program should read through this document before beginning the curriculum proposal.
The Iowa Board of Regents, uses a standard format for proposing a new academic program Form A. Departments should complete Form A and submit to the college curriculum committee to initiate the new curriculum process. Contact the Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost to obtain the appropriate CIP Discipline Specialty Title and the CIP Discipline Specialty Number (questions 2 and 3 on Form A.)
The proposal to establish a new minor is initiated by faculty members. The establishment of an undergraduate minor requires approval by the department or sponsoring group, the appropriate college curriculum committee, the college faculty, the college dean, the Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee, the Faculty Senate, the Senior Vice President and Provost, and the President. The establishment of a graduate minor requires approval by the department or sponsoring group, the Graduate College's curriculum committee and Graduate Council, the Graduate Dean, the Senior Vice President and Provost, and the President. Minor proposals do not need approval by the Iowa Board of Regents.
The completed proposal (DOC) should be made available in an electronic form for review and approval.
Revised August 2022
An undergraduate certificate provides a way to give formal recognition of focused study in a specialized area that is less comprehensive than required for an undergraduate major.
The following material describes the procedures for the review of proposed undergraduate certificates at Iowa State University. The procedures provide for both faculty and administrative input at all levels. This document describes both the approval process and the information that should be provided in a program proposal.
The proposal to establish a new undergraduate certificate is initiated by faculty members. The establishment of an undergraduate certificate requires approval by the department or sponsoring group, the appropriate college curriculum committee, the college faculty, the college dean, the Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee, the Faculty Senate, the Senior Vice President and Provost, and the President. The proposal does not need approval by the Iowa Board of Regents.
Program Proposal
The completed proposal (DOC) should be made available in an electronic form for review and approval.
Revised May 2019
Please visit the Faculty Senate website for procedures.
For questions or more information, contact: