Emeritus/a and Retired Faculty Resources
At Iowa State University, we value our faculty. The Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost and the Office of University Human Resources support faculty during all phases of their career. The resources gathered here aim to support faculty as they plan for retirement.
Emeritus/a and retired faculty FAQ (PDF)
University Human Resources retirement benefits pages:
- Preparing for retirement checklist and presentation
- Quick checklist for ISU employees contemplating retirement (PDF)
- Ready, Set, Retire
Faculty are encouraged to consult with staff in the University Human Resources retirement education and services office, 3770 Beardshear, at benefits@iastate.edu or (515) 294-4800.
Iowa State University offers employees a phased retirement option. Faculty who wish to phase into retirement via a reduced schedule with a maximum of two years phasing should consult with their department chair/school director and dean’s office. Questions about benefits impact should be directed to the University Human Resources Benefits Office.
Additional information is available on the University Human Resources benefits web page.
Iowa State University welcomes emeritus/a and retired faculty to be active members of the Iowa State community.
What does it mean to be an emeritus/a faculty?
The emeritus/a title is conferred upon faculty for a career of meritorious service. It is an honorific title and not an employment status. Emeritus/a status is automatic for faculty retiring at the rank of professor (tenured or term) and 10+ years of service. Departments/schools and colleges may utilize a nomination process for all other faculty cases. See the Iowa State University Faculty Handbook 6.4 for additional information on criteria and process for emeritus/a nominations.

Retirement is a journey, not a calendar date.
Other resources:
For questions or more information, contact:
- Kaela Black, (515) 294-8236, kblack@iastate.edu