Promotion and tenure committees examine information relevant to the evaluation of a candidate for promotion and/or tenure. The Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost requires all college-level promotion and tenure committees to complete a training before accessing a candidate's promotion materials. Department-level committee members are encouraged to complete the same process and may be required by their college administration to meet a training requirement.

Training is designed to provide committee members with information and resources to ensure they are well-equipped to carry out their service responsibility, in alignment with institutional mission and statements of aspiration. The overall goal is to ensure committee member’s apply best practices throughout all phases of the promotion and tenure process. The training has two parts:

  1. a 90-minute, online Promotion and Tenure Committee Training course in Workday Learn. The course includes required readings, a narrated PowerPoint presentation, and surveys; additional resources related to evaluating candidates and valuing scholarship are optional. The course will be available for committee member use and reference throughout the review process. Committee members are required to complete the online training annually. The certification period restarts on July 1 each year.
  2. a 60-minute, synchronous meeting with a faculty success advisor. This meeting will take place after all committee members complete the online promotion and tenure committee training. The meeting may be conducted using different modalities (i.e., in-person, virtual, or hybrid). Committee members are required to attend a meeting for each promotion and tenure committee served.

For questions about the promotion and tenure committee training, contact your committee chair or your college’s faculty success advisor.