Advancement materials submitted by candidates to their departments/schools for review may vary by college and discipline. However, it is expected that candidates provide an advancement portfolio that aligns with their Position Responsibility Statement (PRS) and that demonstrates the quality and effectiveness of their work (e.g., student ratings of teaching, peer evaluation of teaching, sample course syllabi, advising accomplishments, list of publications or grants, clinical caseload, etc.). To strengthen the advancement materials, candidates are advised to have their materials reviewed at the department/school level, such as by faculty mentors. These individuals may share constructive feedback with the candidate. The candidate is advised to prepare their documents in accordance with the college’s guidelines and/or advancement template. Each candidate’s advancement portfolio will contain the following materials:
- The department/school completes the standard university cover sheet (PDF | DOC) for each case and forwards the cover sheet with the candidate’s materials.
- All Position Responsibility Statements (PRS) utilized during the review period. For affiliate faculty only: provide affiliation agreements utilized during the review period.
- Updated curriculum vita (CV)
- A narrative summary of candidate accomplishments. Each college has established a template and guidelines for the candidate’s summary of accomplishments. This narrative summary will list and provide detail and context regarding the candidate’s accomplishments during the review period. The candidate summary will be limited to 10 pages.
- Voting record (PDF | DOC)
See the following college-level templates and guidelines: Agriculture and Life Sciences, Ivy College of Business (DOC), Design (PDF), Engineering (DOC), Health and Human Sciences (DOC), Liberal Arts and Sciences, Veterinary Medicine (PDF)