Supported by the Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost, Iowa State is an institutional member of the ncfdd, an independent faculty development center dedicated to supporting academics in making successful transitions throughout their careers. Iowa State faculty, staff, postdocs, and graduate students are eligible for an individual membership free of cost.

Benefits of membership

  • ncfdd core curriculum courses and guest webinars
  • Weekly Monday motivator e-mail messages providing productivity tips and reminders
  • Monthly productivity webinars and multi-week courses facilitated by national faculty development experts
  • ncfdd career center resources and workshops
  • Audio recordings, slides, and transcripts of all webinars to access at your convenience
  • Moderated monthly writing challenges
  • ncfdd discussion forum and peer network
  • Monthly accountability buddy match

Faculty Success Program

The Faculty Success Program is ncfdd’s highly rated and successful twelve-week, online mentoring program (offered in fall, spring, and summer) designed to teach faculty the skills they need to increase both their research and writing productivity while maintaining a healthy work-life balance. See more detailed information in the program guide. ncfdd has recently opened participation in this program to term faculty who are currently in a long-term appointment and have research and publication requirements built into their PRS. 

Summer 2025 Faculty Success Program funding support - All faculty

In a continued program for Summer 2025, the Provost’s Office will partially sponsor the participation of all faculty tracks in the Faculty Success Program by contributing $2500 total towards the early registration costs of $4495. Participants will be expected to cover the remaining program fees through other sources, e.g., matching funds from their department or college, professional development funds, grant funds, or other sources. Faculty sponsored by the Provost’s Office are expected to participate in and complete all components of the Faculty Success program. The summer 2025 Faculty Success Program runs from May 19 to July 27, 2025.

To apply for this funding support, please complete the short application form by February 26, 2025.

For questions or more information, contact: