Iowa State University collaborates in a program to stimulate scholarly initiatives among the universities that became affiliated through formation of the Big 12 Athletic Conference. The Big 12 Faculty Fellowship Program offers faculty the opportunity to travel to member institutions to exchange ideas and research. Faculty visits will ordinarily be for two weeks, but longer visits are possible. 

  • A faculty member at any Big 12 university may visit any other Big 12 university.
  • There must be preliminary contact between a host unit (department, research center, etc.) and the individual to determine mutual receptivity and available dates.
  • The host unit formally invites the faculty fellow by sending a letter of invitation.
  • The faculty member's home institution provides up to $2,500 towards transportation, room and board.
  • A limited number of fellowships will be available annually from each university.
  • After the visit the faculty fellow will submit a brief report to the Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost describing outcomes of the visit and offering suggestions for future planning.
  • Faculty fellows will be responsible for arranging coverage of their duties at their home campus during their absence.
  • The host unit will announce the visit of a faculty fellow and the activities in which the fellow will engage.
  • The visiting faculty fellow may consult with faculty and/or students, offer lectures or symposia, or engage in whatever activities are agreeable to the fellow and the host institution. Iowa State University encourages activities that further the university's strategic plan. Examples would be the use of a unique laboratory facility, or consultation with a colleague who is collaborating on current or planned research or innovative teaching or extension activities.

  • Application Form (PDF | DOC)
  • Applications for visits for FY 2024-2025 are due to the Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost according to the following schedule (dates match Foreign Travel Grant program, as established by the Faculty Senate):
    • Fellowship datesDate due to the Office of the SVPP
      1 November 2024 - 30 June 2025   noon on 11 October 2024
      1 March 2025 - 31 October 2025   noon on 31 January 2025
      1 June 2025 - 31 January 2026   noon on 4 April 2025
  • Eligible faculty are those who are tenured, tenure-track, and term faculty at the rank of associate or full professor.
  • The faculty member's home institution provides up to $2,500 towards transportation, room and board.
  • The selection of Big 12 Fellows will be made by the Faculty Senate Committee on Professional Development.
  • Application should indicate how the proposal exchange will contribute to the faculty member's scholarship and how the exchange will be of benefit to Iowa State University.

  • The department, research center, school, or other unit must issue a letter of invitation to the prospective Big 12 Faculty Fellow. This letter should specify the dates and any particular expectations for the fellow (examples: to present a recital; to deliver a series of lectures; to meet with graduate students, etc.)
  • Once the sending school has approved the appointment of a fellow, a specific faculty member should be designated as the host. An ISU Card, which provides access to campus services (e.g. library, recreation facilities), can be made available to these Visiting Fellows. Contact the ISU Card Office at 294-2727 for more information. Host departments are responsible for advising the visiting fellow concerning temporary housing in the Ames area and for making arrangements concerning access to office space, telephones, clerical help, computers, parking, and any specialized research facilities.
  • The fellow's home institution is responsible for funding. Iowa State University will not normally provide funding to visiting Big 12 Faculty Fellows.


Recipient     Department     Host University
Xavier Dapena     World Languages and Cultures     University of Texas-Austin
Abby Dubisar     English     University of Texas-Austin
Jane Rongerude     Community and Regional Planning     University of Texas-Austin
Pablo Stinga     Mathematics     University of Texas-Austin


For questions or more information, contact: