Faculty Professional Development Assignments (FPDA) allow faculty time to advance work on research and scholarship that is difficult or impossible to perform in conjunction with one's on-campus responsibilities. FPDAs provide faculty with a release from teaching and service responsibilities, while the responsibility to continue mentoring current graduate students and post-doctoral research fellows remains. This professional development assignment may also entail international travel and/or familiarization with new or specialized training in the faculty member's discipline. FPDAs are expected to result in publications, grants, scholarly innovation, and enhanced learning opportunities for students.
The university recognizes that significant opportunities for professional growth and development are required periodically by faculty members and that the FPDA Program is one of the best modes in which to achieve such growth and development. The university strives to promote an environment in which the faculty will be motivated to participate enthusiastically in the FPDA Program. This environment permits both the faculty and administration to plan so as to obtain the desired results from the program.