Home Faculty Success Honors and Awards University Honors and Awards Staff Awards Staff Awards Explore This Section University Honors and Awards Faculty Awards Staff Awards Carroll Ringgenberg Award Professional and Scientific Excellence Award Professional and Scientific Outstanding New Professional Award Professional and Scientific Research Award Regents Award for Staff Excellence Deadline Final nominations must be submitted online to the Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost by February 10 (or the next business day). Nominations reviewed by collegeAcademic AdvisingExtension/Professional PracticeNominations open to all individuals and unitsEconomic DevelopmentExtension and OutreachImpact on Student SuccessISU University Champion AwardProfessional and Scientific:Carroll Ringgenberg AwardProfessional and Scientific Excellence AwardProfessional and Scientific Outstanding New Professional AwardProfessional and Scientific Research AwardRegents Award for Staff Excellence Instructions and college deadlines 2024 university award recipients Past university award recipients, 1956-present (PDF) For questions or more information about award eligibility, contact:Dawn Bratsch-Prince, deprince@iastate.eduFor questions or more information about award submission, contact:Rachel Haynes, (515) 294-6410, rhaynes@iastate.edu