Awards available directly through the Office of Extension and Outreach (these nominations must be submitted directly to Linda Young,


Final nominations must be submitted online to the Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost by February 10 (or the next business day). Review college deadlines.

Awards available 

ISU Award for Early Achievement in Extension or Professional Practice

Purpose: To recognize a faculty, campus staff, or field staff member who has demonstrated outstanding accomplishments in extension and/or professional practice unusually early in their professional career.

Eligibility: Members of the faculty or professional staff with no more than six (6) years of experience post Ph.D. (or other appropriate terminal degree) and a minimum of two (2) years at Iowa State. Recipients must be Iowa State employees at the time of the University Awards Ceremony.

Nature of the award: $2,500 one-time stipend

Number of awards: Two (2) [one (1) award for P&S and one (1) for faculty]

Criteria: A record of exemplary performance as documented by clients and peers

ISU Award for Outstanding Achievement in Extension or Professional Practice

Purpose: To recognize a faculty, campus staff, or field staff member who has demonstrated outstanding performance in statewide leadership in extension and/or professional practice and has achieved national recognition of their contributions to outreach activities.

Eligibility: Members of the faculty or professional staff with a minimum of ten (10) years of service at Iowa State. Recipients must be Iowa State employees at the time of the University Awards Ceremony.

Nature of the award: $2,500 one-time stipend

Number of awards: Two (2) [one (1) award for P&S and one (1) for faculty]

Criteria: Documented evidence of outstanding contributions to the university's outreach mission over an extended period of time, including testimony from peers and clients.

Guidelines for submitting nominations for Extension/Professional Practice Awards

The following guidelines are intended to apply to the Extension/Professional Practice awards. The guidelines are intended to help units, departments, schools, and colleges make their nominations as strong as possible.

  1. Completed nomination cover page either for faculty or staff: 
    • Faculty university award nomination cover page [PDF | DOC]
    • Staff university award nomination cover page [PDF | DOC]
  2. Nomination statement of no more than three (3) pages that includes the following:
    • How the nominee's qualifications relate to the award criteria and why the nominee is deserving of the award
    • Specific examples of relevant behaviors
  3. Updated curriculum vita of no more than twenty-five (25) pages
  4. Three (3) external letters of support from stakeholders or non-Iowa State colleagues
  5. Evaluative data of no more than one (1) page that includes examples such as clientele ratings in regard to teaching as well as evaluative data dealing with impact of the nominee's work on clientele data, the scope of the program such as number of meetings held, number of people reached, number of publications prepared, etc.
  6. When the file is prepared, nominators must submit their nominations to their college by the college deadline; when the college is ready to submit their nominations, the college awards coordinator must upload the nominations to the appropriate college folder on CyBox; if you do not have access to your college's folder on CyBox, please contact Kati

Nominations are reviewed by the college or the Office of Extension and Outreach before submission to the Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost. Award recipients and their nominator, department chair/school director, dean, or supervisor are notified by May 1. Colleges receive feedback on unsuccessful nominations by July 1.

For questions about award eligibility, contact: 

For questions about award submission, contact: