
Final nominations must be submitted online to the Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost by February 10 (or the next business day). Review college deadlines.

Awards available:

ISU Award for Early Achievement in Departmental Leadership

Purpose: To recognize a department chair or school director, who has demonstrated exceptional impact on advancing the faculty, staff, students, and/or programs in their department or school within the first three (3) years of their leadership role.

Eligibility: Current department chairs or school directors who have held their first leadership position for up to three (3) years. Recipient must be an Iowa State employee at the time of the University Awards Ceremony.

Nature of the award: $2,500 one-time stipend

Number of awards: One (1)

Criteria: Nominees should demonstrate a measurable impact within their department or school such as advancing academic or research programs, introducing new or enhancing existing initiatives central to the department or school mission, streamlining or enhancing program efficiencies, or promoting excellence within the faculty, staff, or students. The award recognizes the early impact of a chair/director in creating a new culture within a program, reorganizing or redirecting program activities or significantly advancing programmatic missions of the department/school soon after taking on a leadership role. A chair/director may only win the award once.

ISU Award for Departmental Leadership

Purpose: To recognize a department chair or school director who has demonstrated exceptional leadership qualities in advancing the faculty, staff, students, and programs in their department/school.

Eligibility: Current department chairs or school directors. Recipient must be an Iowa State employee at the time of the University Awards Ceremony.

Nature of the award: $2,500 one-time stipend

Number of awards: One (1)

Criteria: Nominees should demonstrate leadership in advancing programs and initiatives central to the department/school; should create a department/school climate in which students, faculty, and staff can do their best work; should have a record of helping to advance the careers of faculty and staff; should respond effectively to student, faculty, and staff issues and concerns; should represent the department/school well to the college, university, profession, and alumni; should manage the day-to-day operations of the department/school efficiently; should provide leadership to the department/school in achieving departmental/school, college, and university goals; should have continued involvement in academic endeavors; and the strongest candidates will have had campus-wide impact. A chair/director may only win the award once.

Guidelines for submitting nominations for the Departmental Leadership Awards

  1. Completed nomination cover page for faculty:
    • Faculty university award nomination cover page [PDF | DOC]
  2. Nomination letter of no more than three (3) pages that includes the following:
    • How the nominee's qualifications relate to the award criteria and why the nominee is deserving of the award
  3. Letter of support from the dean
  4. Letter of support from a faculty member in the nominee's department/school
  5. Letter of support from a staff member in the nominee's department/school
  6. Letter of support from an individual outside the nominee's department/school
  7. An optional letter of support from an individual of your choice
  8. Updated curriculum vita of no more than twenty-five (25) pages
  9. Optional supporting materials of no more than five (5) pages
  10. When the file is prepared, nominators must submit their nominations to their college by the college deadline; when the college is ready to submit their nominations, the college awards coordinator must upload the nominations to the appropriate college folder on CyBox; if you do not have access to your college's folder on CyBox, please contact Rachel Haynes,

Nominations are reviewed by the college before submission to the Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost. Award recipients and their nominator, dean, or supervisor are notified by May 1. Colleges receive feedback on unsuccessful nominations by July 1.


For questions or more information about award eligibility, contact:

For questions or more information about award submission, contact: