Purpose: The University Professorship recognizes faculty members whose professional work has focused upon effecting positive, significant institutional change at Iowa State University.
Eligibility: Nominees should hold the rank of professor (tenured or term) and should have served for at least ten (10) years on the Iowa State University faculty prior to the beginning of the academic year in which they are nominated. The nominees must be individuals whose contributions extend well beyond a one (1)-time impact. Having held an administrative position in and of itself is insufficient for consideration for this recognition. Faculty who have served as administrators (e.g., department chairs/school directors, deans, vice presidents, provost, or staff members in those offices) may be nominated only after they have been out of their administrative roles and functioning as faculty members for at least three (3) years. Recipients must be Iowa State employees at the time of the University Awards Ceremony.
Nature of the award: A permanent increase of $7,650 in base salary and the title of University Professor for the remainder of career at Iowa State
Number of awards: Up to five (5)
Criteria: A University Professor must above all else have acted as a change agent by having made significant contributions that have improved the university. This professional work must go beyond excellence in teaching or research. In addition to the area of these contributions, a University Professor must have demonstrated outstanding performance in at least one other area of faculty responsibility: (1) research and/or creative activities, (2) teaching and advising, or (3) extension/professional practice.
Selection process: Nominations should be made to the appropriate college awards committee.
The University Professor Nomination Review Committee is appointed by the Senior Vice President and Provost following procedures established by the Faculty Senate. The Faculty Senate Committee on Committees nominates faculty to the Senior Vice President and Provost for membership on the University Professor Nomination Review Committee. Faculty at the rank of Professor and/or University Professor will be nominated for seven (7) positions, one (1) representing each college. The Senior Vice President and Provost will appoint three (3) additional members. All members will serve three (3)-year, staggered terms. The University Professor Nomination Review Committee receives nominations from the colleges, meets at least once, and makes recommendations to the Faculty Senate Executive Board, which will meet in executive session to consider these recommendations. The Executive Board forwards recommendations to the Senior Vice President and Provost.