
Final nominations must be submitted online to the Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost by February 10 (or the next business day). Review college deadlines.


Purpose: To recognize a member of the graduate faculty who has demonstrated exceptional mentorship to graduate students both during their time at Iowa State and beyond graduation. This award is student-led and is organized, funded, and maintained by the Graduate and Professional Student Senate (GPSS). 

Eligibility: The nominee must be a current member of the Iowa State University graduate faculty who has advised at least six (6) graduate students as major professor. Only graduate students who are, or who have been directly advised by the faculty member as major professor may submit nominations. Graduates or alumni are eligible to serve in this role. Recipient must be an Iowa State employee at the time of the University Awards Ceremony.

A student may nominate only one (1) faculty member per award cycle. Faculty may not self-nominate nor nominate another faculty member. Previous recipients are not eligible to be nominated again.

Nature of the award: $2500 one (1)-time stipend

Number of awards: Up to two (2)

Criteria:  Nominees should have demonstrated a measurable impact on the experiences and professional opportunities of the graduate students they have mentored as major professor. A strong nomination will include clear examples of the quality of their mentorship and the resulting effects on the education and opportunities afforded to their graduate student mentees.

Guidelines for submitting nominations for the Margaret Ellen White Award

  1. Verify the eligibility of the proposed faculty nominee by emailing the Graduate College at
  2. Complete the nomination form: Faculty university award nomination cover page [PDF | DOC]
  3. A statement of no more than two (2) pages on why your nominee should be recognized as a superior mentor and educator that addresses the following:
    • How the nominee creates and contributes to positive experiences during graduate school
    • How the nominee encourages students to work and think independently
    • How the nominee helps students develop their full potential as a person, student, and future professional
    • How the nominee helps graduate students complete their degrees in a timely manner
    • How the nominee continues to support student advisees after graduation
  4. Attach a curriculum vita of no more than twenty-five (25) pages
  5. Include three (3) letters or emails of support from current or previous students. The letters of support are limited to two (2) pages each and must describe how the nominee meets the award criteria and why the nominee is deserving of the award.
  6. Submit the nomination by emailing the complete nomination package in a single PDF to The nominations will be stored in a confidential file and the nominator will receive notification of successful submission within 10-15 minutes.

Nominations are reviewed by a Graduate and Professional Student Senate (GPSS) committee which determines the finalists [up to two (2)] and the GPSS committee submits a recommendation to the Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost by April 1. Award recipients and their nominator(s) are notified by the Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost by May 1. Award recipients will be honored at the University Awards Ceremony in the fall.

For questions or more information about award eligibility, contact:

For questions or more information about award submission, contact: